
Nocturnal epilepsy cure
Nocturnal epilepsy cure

nocturnal epilepsy cure

When I came to this time I walk walking on the road heading out of town, but lucky for me I wasn't far enough not to see the city lights so I'd know which way to come back into town. Again when I was 25, and uptown with friends, and again felt a seizure coming on, and went to the restroom.


The last thing I remember is leaving the restroom while it was still taking full affect of me, and coming too in a police station, and being told I started walking in front of traffic of a 4 lane street on a Friday night. I felt a seizure coming on, and headed to the restroom. The first at 20 when I was out one night with friends. I have Grand mal seizures, and have had them for 38 years now. Just curious if this sounds like seizure type sleepwalking to anyone who might have experience with it. He also does this thing that looks like he's sucking his tongue (like a baby does) in his sleep. He crawled into bed with me and for over 45 minutes after falling asleep he twitched bad.he could have done it all night but I fell asleep so I dont know. He got a startled look on his face and asked me how he got dressed in the first place. Last night I slept on the couch like I've been doing to keep door watch, and he slept walked out to the couch with me, then we got up at 3 am to take his dad to work, I dressed him, he WALKED to the car, we rode for 20 minutes and he walked back into the house, got himself undressed and into bed.but has absolutely no memory of anything until he was undressing. Not just before falling asleep or for a few minutes here and there. Alot of times its so hard you can SEE it travel down his muscles but sometimes you have to be touching him to feel it and he does it constantly. These are twitches that travel throughout his whole body.

nocturnal epilepsy cure nocturnal epilepsy cure

He also twitches in his sleep and Im not talking about the normal twitches like my 4 year old has. Last weekend when I got up in the morning the babies door was wide open and it NEVER is.its also the door acrossed from the bathroom.Jacob was on the couch so Im pretty sure it was him and he's NEVER done that before either. Luckily I was in the living room and stopped him. Undid the dead lock and latch lock to do it. 2 weeks ago he did something other than wander for the first time.he attempted to go out the front door. In July it happened again and we'd been here more than long enough. Even tho he was definately still asleep I assumed it was because it was our first night in a new house and he couldnt find the bathroom in his sleep. In May he woke up at 4 am screaming bloody murder in the hallway. "Mom why did you put me in the dirty clothes basket, on the bathroom floor, under the table.etc." Lately its escalated. Until he was 5ish, he'd wake up every morning mad at me and insisting I moved him out of his bed. Alot of the time its centered around having to pee but not always and he never remembers ever getting out of his bed. Until about 4 months ago, it was just wandering around the house and falling asleep in a different place. Jacob has been sleepwalking since the day I got him out of his crib, and before that he ALWAYS woke at least once a night. Imagine my shock when the very first website I pulled up made reference to nocturnal partial complex seizures being hard to differentiate between sleepwalking. I came online to research sleepwalking and safety measures to take for my 7 year old, Jacob. I had no idea there was such a thing as a seizure that looks like sleepwalking. His dad has it, 2 cousins have it, and his grandfather had it as a child but apparently outgrew it. I would greatly appreciate any insight since there is a VERY strong family history of epilepsy on his dad's side.

nocturnal epilepsy cure

What Im wondering is if someone here can tell me if what I describe sounds familiar for a partial complex seizure. I just dont want to look like a paranoid mom if I walk into the docs with these concerns and it turns out its nothing like what Im worrying about. appt set to discuss my concerns because I know that no one else can exactly diagnose a problem. First I want to start by saying that I already have a dr.

Nocturnal epilepsy cure